To Consider:

A knowledgable public, is an empowered public, is a free public.

Julian Assange (1971- ) Australian editor and publisher founded WikiLeaks

Terrazas del Rodeo

The New York Times - Science

NYT > Science
  1. Videos filmed by divers show that choking, blinding and sacrificing limbs are all in the cephalopods’ repertoire.
  2. In humans, the energetic cost of pregnancy is about 50,000 dietary calories — far higher than previously believed, a new study found.
  3. If spiders use their webs like a large external eardrum, researchers reasoned, perhaps spider silk could be the basis for a powerful listening device.
  4. In a new study, researchers found universal features of songs across many cultures, suggesting that music evolved in our distant ancestors.
  5. New research shows the “upside-down trees” originated in Madagascar and then caught a ride on ocean currents to reach mainland Africa and Australia.
  6. The brittle star specimen suggests that the sea creatures have been splitting themselves in two to reproduce for more than 150 million years.
  7. A growing number of researchers in the field are using their expertise to fight the climate crisis.
  8. In a cautious new paper, scientists tried to determine whether an interactive speech board might enrich the life of a parrot named Ellie.
  9. By sequencing an enormous amount of data, a group of hundreds of researchers has gained new insights into how flowers evolved on Earth.
  10. Citing rapid advances by China and Russia, the United States is building an extensive capacity to fight battles in space.